Introducing Jas Bhalla Works

Over the last few years Jas Bhalla Architects has evolved significantly. We’re lucky enough to be working with some amazing clients on a range of projects, from infill social housing to new garden towns. Alongside our design work, we’ve also authored cultural strategies, planning guidance and design codes, all underpinned by rigorous analysis and meticulous research.

Our architectural endeavours draw from broader social and physical contexts, just as our work at the urban scale is influenced by an understanding of how individual buildings come together. Our growth is in no small part due to our uniquely cross-disciplinary team, which comprises a talented group of architects, designers, and planners.

The term “Architects” no longer captures this intentionally broad portfolio. Moving forward the practice will operate under a new name - Jas Bhalla Works - to better encapsulate the variety of our endeavours. Jas Bhalla Works represents the growth of our studio and breadth of our work, as we continue to create socially useful and environmentally responsive buildings and places.

Find out more about the project here:
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