Envisioning a new town at the heart of the OxCam Arc with homes embedded around new transport infrastructure

Team Members:
Jas, Lilia
Avison Young, WSP, The Urban Engineering Studio, Lavigne Lonsdale

In its ‘Partnering for Prosperity’ report, the National Infrastructure Commission explored how best to harness the opportunities presented by growth between Oxford and Cambridge. Having identified potential in Tempsford, we were commissioned by a significant local landowner to prepare a masterplan vision making the case for a new ‘Market Town’ north of Sandy which would serve both local housing needs and national economic ambitions.

Perfectly positioned as a regional economic catalyst between Oxford and Cambridge, we envision a new town benefitting from its unique position on the intersection of new roads and rail infrastructure. Our masterplan concept celebrates key elements of Tempford’s historic military airfield by concentrating new uses around them and giving them a spatial focus, reinterpreting the area’s unique history. Key buildings and historic movement routes are retained, as runway alignments become incorporated into new streets and open spaces.

Our masterplan aims to sustain a vibrant mix of uses, where new homes benefit from access to community amenities, infrastructure, and the natural environment. We identified potential for a new railway station at the intersection of the East Coast Main Line and East West Rail, direct access to the A428 and a new road crossing the railways.

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