Creation of a new neighbourhood opening access to a revitalised waterfront

Team Members:
Jas, Lilia
AR Urbanism, Expedition, Steer

We submitted a masterplan concept in response to an urban ideas competition for a waterside site in Finland. The brief invited compelling propositions for the redevelopment of a former Finnish Waterworks site to be transformed into a high-density mixed-use community.

Our innovative approach proposed a new neighbourhood built around the concept of ‘reflection’, echoing the lakes edge and projecting an image of Tampere back on itself. The new neighbourhood was designed to follow the logic and structure of the existing city, while providing greener, more energetic and sustainable district. Urban blocks mirrored the scale of those in the city centre, while street layouts maintained enough flexibility to respond to emerging trends in mobility such as the introduction of autonomous vehicles. Access to the lakeside was created from extending existing routes into the site, prioritising active travel through green open space. Two new public transport routes connected Hatanpään Valtatie to the lake. The urban plan and building layouts made the most of views towards the water, strengthening the relationship with the lake and the character of the new neighbourhood.

In establishing a conversation with the city centre, our masterplan looked to create a highly accessible new district that addressed a historic disconnection and provided new high-quality public realm and community facilities for the city.

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