A 700-home strategic masterplan delivering high quality neighbourhoods through progressive planning

London Borough of Hounslow
Team Members:
Jas, Kathryn
Allies and Morrison, Lewis Hubbard Engineering, PRD

Hounslow Council approached us to develop design scenarios for a potential new development in the heart of the town centre. Proposals were based on meticulous research of the surrounding context and a clear understanding of the implications and potential benefits provided.

Our initial research highlighted an increasing need for green space within the area, an issue exacerbated by the residential redevelopment of windfall sites around the town centre. Our comprehensive masterplan provided an opportunity to a rectify this, coordinating new homes with both social and green infrastructure. Central to our proposals was the development of a series of pocket parks that would provide new pedestrian links between the station and High Street.

Through close collaboration with the project team, we were able to demonstrate how the complex site could deliver 700-homes through a considered phasing strategy. Housing typologies were calibrated to specific parts of the masterplan to tie new homes into the existing context, developing character areas with distinct identities.

Our design scenarios created opportunities for dramatic uplifts in the urban greening factor of the site, helping to transform the area from grey to green. Combined with strategic urban realm improvements, our research and proposals demonstrate how London's suburban town centres can provide new family housing that is both high density and high quality.

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