A mixed use development with high density family housing

Team Members:
Jas, Lilia
NTA Planning

We were appointed to prepare a feasibility study for the comprehensive redevelopment of a large brownfield site in Fairlop, Redbridge. Our emerging design response has been developed through a close examination of local context and policy.

Although the site has relatively limited access to public transport, its proximity to two underground stations makes it a suitable location for mixed use redevelopment. Through a carefully calibrated site layout, the scheme delivers high density family housing whilst maintaining generous external amenity space and safeguarding the privacy of neighbouring bungalows.

The preliminary scheme makes the most of a narrow site by developing a new commercial 'skin' along the outer edge, coupled with an internal 'mews street'. Public and private spaces are well defined with a clear urban hierarchy. Asymmetric gable roofs create a gentle increase in scale from adjoining single storey bungalows whilst subtly referencing the site’s industrial past.

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